Back again with another eight hours of music. I hope you’ve been enjoying Digital Crates 001 (if you’ve even gotten around to listening to the whole thing by now). The music is all currently streaming at Mixcloud, but a dошиlоads post oughta be dropping any of these days now... Currently, Patreon subscribers have access to a spreadsheet with Digital Crates 001’s tracklistings, timestamps, and sample/example info:
That's avaialble for Digital Crates 002 as well. All of this information will of course be accessible once SOTY2022 drops, but in the meantime, as a thank you, all patrons (thank you!) have already received a sneak-peak (313 tracks and counting...; I see you on slsk, n1mr0d!) The Patreon payout structure is way less convoluted than Mixcloud’s subscription service, which works as follows:

All generosity is appreciated. Though as you can tell, Patreon $upport reaches me much more directly than the Mixcloud Select alternative. Just wanted to be up-front about how all this works (because I myself am only just learning about it all). But anyway, on to some music… Digital Crates 002 breaks down as follows:
The first 4 hours:Examples 2022, corresponding track-by-track to the 6 hours of samples featured in Digital Crates 001*
The last 4 hours:more Samples of the Year 2022
*If you’re desktop-listening and wanna play samples to examples side-by-side, I recommend you open each mix in a separate tab, and bounce around between the two at your leisure. Or not. Up to you. (Or if you’re strictly mobile devicing it up, get the Mixcloud app. It’s a bit more functional than browser-listening on the phone.) Just have fun with it. I myself have been enjoying practicing a little bass while listening to these mixes…
Thesselonious, who has already been featured on the sidebar of this website, recently tweeted:
Much appreciated. Thank you. Providing resources to DJs and all music lovers is why I’m still doing this. Oh, and I guess I’ve got some “merch” now, too? Click2cop:

Thanks again for the encouragement, Mr. Shrug Rogers Nelson. (Yes, that BBB sticker rips off the Beatles logo. What are they gonna do about it?)
Everybody, enjoy Digital Crates 002 and I’ll see you again real soon… Peace.

Enjoy… and turn it up!!🎧
— Hip Hop Is Read (@HipHopIsRead) December 11, 2022

@IvanRott Not in love with the font, but I'm telling you... I NEED this in sticker form for my current and future laptops... lol pic.twitter.com/1roi2SQh5J
— Left My Blue Check At Your Mom's (@thesselonious) December 9, 2022