While it’s not the bill I would have preferred – the public option woulda been good (talks are still on the table for an upcoming vote), and single payer woulda been great – I must say that I’m proud to see the Democratic party standing firm in their fight for any sort of health care and health insurance reform. It really was a historic day in our nation’s history. For several decades, presidents have fought for this… and now, it’s here. As I chided on Twitter, Barack Obama’s slogan for his 2012 reelection campaign should read as follows: “Hi, I’m Barack Obama and I get. Shit. Done!”
Many of the president’s critics have blamed him for not being strong enough to get his proposed goals accomplished. I have been one of those critics. And tonight, I’ve had to eat some of those words. Did it take Obama too long to pass health care reform? The past year says “yes”; history says “no.” He’s only managed to do what no other president has ever done, and for that, he deserves some props. Nancy Pelosi deserves her due credit as well. Republican congressmen better be thanking their lucky stars that they’ve already got health insurance, because their asses are gonna be hurting in the morning. :D
On the other side of the globe, France’s Socialist Party gave President Nicolas Sarkozy and the conservatives quite a beating in the polls, a potential sneak peek at what’s to come in the country’s 2012 presidential elections in which Sarkozy will be seeking reelection. It seems like Bernard-Henri Lévy got it wrong after all. :D
Many of the president’s critics have blamed him for not being strong enough to get his proposed goals accomplished. I have been one of those critics. And tonight, I’ve had to eat some of those words. Did it take Obama too long to pass health care reform? The past year says “yes”; history says “no.” He’s only managed to do what no other president has ever done, and for that, he deserves some props. Nancy Pelosi deserves her due credit as well. Republican congressmen better be thanking their lucky stars that they’ve already got health insurance, because their asses are gonna be hurting in the morning. :D
On the other side of the globe, France’s Socialist Party gave President Nicolas Sarkozy and the conservatives quite a beating in the polls, a potential sneak peek at what’s to come in the country’s 2012 presidential elections in which Sarkozy will be seeking reelection. It seems like Bernard-Henri Lévy got it wrong after all. :D