Put yourself in Ice T's shoes for a minute. You're a pioneering and controversial emcee who commanded a coast and changed the game in more ways than one. You came up alongside cats like Big Daddy Kane, Ice Cube, Rakim and the other greats. In the world of hip hop, you've got war stories to tell and it goes without saying that you've earned a fair share of respect in the game. Since the early 80's, you've spoken your mind and held back nothing. You said something that a lot of people in the hip hop community have already been feeling for about a year now, and along comes Soulja Boy to refute your claims. A kid who isn't even old enough to vote is treating you not even as an equal, but as an inferior being. Now come back... Watch that video above (though I'm sure you already have).
How can anyone stomach to watch that sh*t? Even worse, where does Soulja Boy get the gall to be so disrespectful and downright arrogant? This is a kid who considers 50 Cent to be "old school"! I'm expressing my opinion not only as a response to Soulja Boy's video, but to a recent post by none other than Kanye West. Here's what 'Ye had to say:
The true meaning of hip hop, as I see it, is much more than being "fresh ass hell". Sure, that's got a lot to do with it. But it's also about creating something that is worthy of respect, worthy of a legacy -- and not just on a monetary level! The fact that Soulja Boy's "music" is considered noteworthy by the media says a lot about the state of things and what the "popular public" is willing to accept. Twenty years ago, this lame buffoonery would never slide. I'm referring of course to the golden era of hip hop; yes, the real golden era of hip hop. There's a reason why there's a golden era of television (50's - early 60's), of radio (20's - early 60's) and of film. That was the definitive golden age of each respective field of media. That time has gone and all we can do is aim to make the best of it at the present. To the up-and-coming actor, he or she should know that this isn't the golden era of film or television! An aspiring radio host knows well enough that the radio golden years are long gone. And so I think it's important to note the fallacies of defending Soulja Boy as the savior of his "own" golden era. It's just not the case...
But truth be told, that's all aside the point: to say that Soulja Boy's music has a "hidden meaning" (regardless of whatever era you'd like to juxtapose it with) is a disgrace to the poets and emcees who truly put hidden meanings and depth into their writing(s).
One final statement to (w)rap things up and I'm out: To crucify cats like Soulja Boy as the "murderers of hip hop" may be harsh and perhaps excessive. Let's be fair now: a lot of these kids didn't (and don't) have the background they should in order to contribute to hip hop's legacy (in a positive way). So you wanna say Soulja Boy isn't 100% responsible for "killing hip hop? Fine. But you know what does kill hip hop? Putting Soulja Boy on the pedestal as if he's the embodiment of it; as if he's truly got talent comparable to the legends of the past and present. It says a lot about what you think hip hop is and has the potential to be. It says a lot about you. You wanna play a little 'Superman' or 'A Bay Bay' in the club? Be my guest. But that's about it... Please! For the sake of hip hop!!!
Soulja boy is fresh ass hell and is actually the true meaning of what hip hop is sposed to be. He came from the hood, made his own beats, made up a new saying, new sound and a new dance with one song. He had all of America rapping this summer. If that ain't Hip Hop then what is? A bunch of wannabe keep it real rappers that ain't even relevant, recycling samples trying to act like it's 96 again and all they do is hate on new shit? Niggas always talk about the golden age but for a 13 year old kid, this is the golden age!!! That song was so dope cause everything he said had a hidden meaning... that's Nas level shit... he just put it over some steel drums which is also some Nas shit if you had the 2nd album cassette with the bonus track "Silent Murder" on it. In closing... new niggas get ya money$$$$$$$$$$ Keep this shit fresh and original.... ain't no fuckin' rules to this shit and that's what real hip hop is to me. [LINK]Now I've got respect for Kanye, but some of this sh*t is just ridiculous! Soulja Boy is the "true meaning of hip hop"? Really 'Ye? "This is the golden age"!? Really 'Ye? Comparing Soulja Boy to Nas!?!? Really 'Ye?
The true meaning of hip hop, as I see it, is much more than being "fresh ass hell". Sure, that's got a lot to do with it. But it's also about creating something that is worthy of respect, worthy of a legacy -- and not just on a monetary level! The fact that Soulja Boy's "music" is considered noteworthy by the media says a lot about the state of things and what the "popular public" is willing to accept. Twenty years ago, this lame buffoonery would never slide. I'm referring of course to the golden era of hip hop; yes, the real golden era of hip hop. There's a reason why there's a golden era of television (50's - early 60's), of radio (20's - early 60's) and of film. That was the definitive golden age of each respective field of media. That time has gone and all we can do is aim to make the best of it at the present. To the up-and-coming actor, he or she should know that this isn't the golden era of film or television! An aspiring radio host knows well enough that the radio golden years are long gone. And so I think it's important to note the fallacies of defending Soulja Boy as the savior of his "own" golden era. It's just not the case...
But truth be told, that's all aside the point: to say that Soulja Boy's music has a "hidden meaning" (regardless of whatever era you'd like to juxtapose it with) is a disgrace to the poets and emcees who truly put hidden meanings and depth into their writing(s).
One final statement to (w)rap things up and I'm out: To crucify cats like Soulja Boy as the "murderers of hip hop" may be harsh and perhaps excessive. Let's be fair now: a lot of these kids didn't (and don't) have the background they should in order to contribute to hip hop's legacy (in a positive way). So you wanna say Soulja Boy isn't 100% responsible for "killing hip hop? Fine. But you know what does kill hip hop? Putting Soulja Boy on the pedestal as if he's the embodiment of it; as if he's truly got talent comparable to the legends of the past and present. It says a lot about what you think hip hop is and has the potential to be. It says a lot about you. You wanna play a little 'Superman' or 'A Bay Bay' in the club? Be my guest. But that's about it... Please! For the sake of hip hop!!!

Ice T responds to the above video: