Sunday, April 7, 2024

HHIRxBBB Catalog v1

Attached in the Patreon post above (click it!) is a spreadsheet document. I prefer this downloadable file, as opposed to a Google Sheets page. If anyone needs help opening this, send me a message.

The spreadsheet contains two tabs:
TTD Catalog
TTD Tracks

Pretty self explanatory to navigate. (Don't) get lost.

Thank you yet again to everyone who chose to support the Patreon, which I set up back in December 2022 to cover Mixcloud Pro hosting costs.

Column E on the TTD Catalog tab indicates 1-of-1 status of tapes. Back in 2020, you may recall, I distributed some very, very DIY tapes all across the globe, and even in my own neighborhood. I miss those physical tapes. Hope they're doing well out there in the world... Moving forward, newly-claimed 1-of-1 tapes are intangible. You could, uhhh... call them NFTs. For now. The goal is to ultimately press these and ship 'em out to you, and you, and you! Reserved until they're custom-made... TBD.

To those who committed to the year-long Tape Deck Club pledge, you have a private message from me over on Patreon. It's time to claim something from the HHIRxBBB catalog.


Ivan @
Hip Hop Is Read x Boom Bap Beatnik