Hate is a strong word. The only positive thing that Glenn Beck provides to me -- aside from constant laughs -- is a discipline to refrain from hating people in my own personal life. After all, how can I "hate" someone as much as (or more than) Glenn Beck? Can't be done. You see, Beck's message is one of love and tolerance.
I'm kidding of course. But watching this preview clip of Katie Couric's interview with Glenn Beck got me thinking: what's he really all about? In psychology, we're taught to delve deep into the mind - often times that of the disordered - to analyze what's truly below the "tip of the iceberg", segmenting from the conscious to the sub-conscious or hidden. I picked up on a few cues from the interview, interpretting and translating them to reveal Beck's true colors. To some, this is "dog-whistle politics"; to others, psychoanalysis; maybe it's just some plain 'ol fuckery. At the end of the day, it's probably all true - and that's what's so horrific about it. Check out my evaluation of Glenn Beck below for a new series I'd like to call, Diggin' in the Hate:
I'm kidding of course. But watching this preview clip of Katie Couric's interview with Glenn Beck got me thinking: what's he really all about? In psychology, we're taught to delve deep into the mind - often times that of the disordered - to analyze what's truly below the "tip of the iceberg", segmenting from the conscious to the sub-conscious or hidden. I picked up on a few cues from the interview, interpretting and translating them to reveal Beck's true colors. To some, this is "dog-whistle politics"; to others, psychoanalysis; maybe it's just some plain 'ol fuckery. At the end of the day, it's probably all true - and that's what's so horrific about it. Check out my evaluation of Glenn Beck below for a new series I'd like to call, Diggin' in the Hate:
Quote: I think I would have much preferred [Hillary Clinton] as president, and may have voted for her against John McCain.
What he really means to say is: It's been difficult to have to defend the Bush administration for eight years. Defending John McCain would have been just as arduous and I don't like to be on the losing side. The prospect of deriding the Clinton family once again would have given me sheer joy and would have provided greater ratings potential for myself and my network.
Quote: I think John McCain is a weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt was.
What he really means to say is: John McCain is practically a communist compared to me. How can he call himself a Republican? I hate moderate Republicans with a passion. I wish my party consisted of the clones of Sarah Palin and exhumed Ronald Reagan zombies.
Quote: I think John McCain -- ha, how 'bout this -- I think John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama. How's that?
What he really means to say is: Did I say "worse for the country"? I meant "worse for my ratings"! With Barack Obama in office, I can put my mental derangement on display to the world by pulling out a blackboard and connecting all of my self-fabricated dots, tying the president to abhorrent people and groups like ACORN, Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Van Jones, Jesse Sharpton, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Jay-Z, Leon Trotsky, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, the Detroit Lions, Osama Bin Laden, Woodstock '99, Pol Pot, every African American ever, bald eagles, the 9/11 families and Hurricane Katrina victims - like I said before, I hate black people. With John McCain as president, I wouldn't have had this great ego-stroking opportunity! They say that with Bush out of office, comedians have little to fall back on; but I've got plenty of material! Stay tuned tonight, when I'll be refuting the Brown v. Board decision and organizing a lynch mob. The South shall rise up free!