A couple years back I got into a chop-and-screw phase. Mike Watts. DJ Screw (rip). Paul Wall. OG Ron C. These are some of the C&S heavyweights. If you pay close attention to the original(s) and then apply that same attention to the chopped and screwed product, you can often find positive and negative attributes (skillwise) about the DJ. And while some of the greats listed above are heralded for their originality and chop skills, others fall... oh so very short. Take
this mixtape, for instance, in which the "DJ" chose to simply screw the tracks. In essence, he plugged in the original MP3 tracks onto an audio editing program and slowed down the tempo (but seemingly kept the pitch). Brilliant! Just marvelous! Look, I've got nothing against homie. For all I know, this was his first shot. {** CHECKS DATPIFF COMMENT SECTION... HMMM... I WAS WRONG **} But it's yet another instance where we come face to face with the task of judging quality. A DJ is a DJ. A kid who plays around on Adobe Audition or Cool Edit Pro (such as myself) is not. Can I get a heh-hell yeh-yeah?