Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Rolex

Hey friends and foes, today I would like to talk about My Rolex. No, not the actual Rolex I one day aspire to replace the crappy Casio I rock now but instead the song "Wearing My Rolex" from London MC, Wiley. There are 5 reasons why I chose to talk about this song;

1. I wouldn't even class this hip-hop & it has the UK hip-hop scene buzzin'.
The song has a woman moaning through a electro-dance like beat with a few mediocre lyrics from Wiley.

2. The video recently dropped.
I spotted this on Trevor Nelson's The Lick and ermm, *long pause*.... what the fizzucks? First Kanye, then Jay, what is it with rappers not appearing in their videos?
Ladies in fox costumes, ravaging in garbage bins through the streets at night, I'm confused. I mean mankind has always loved to differ but this time it would've preferred a typical hip-hop video with some fine semi-naked bitches walking around in the Carri bean on a fine sunny day, when was the last time we saw one of those?

3. It has it's own dance!
Yes, the Rolex Sweep.

4. Although I hate to admit it I actually LIKE this song.
Simply because, it's catchy.

5. It's my choice.
Yes it is, now watch the video and leave your thoughts in the comments.