Monday, January 21, 2008

Hip Hop Word Count

Via Jay Smooth's Twitter

Using an attractive flash interface, these guys pick a rapper and evaluate their reading and educational level, based on putting one of their songs through a comprehensive word count.

After counting the total number of words, they measure total syllables per word, average letters per syllable, average letters per word and an example of a polysyllabic word used in the song. Funny and kind of bizarre.

In their own words:

We have developed a rubric that estimates the education level needed to understand each rhyme as well as, rates the artistic sophistication employed through the metaphors, similes, cultural references, consonantal/vocalic alliteration and overall pattern of each rhyme. We calculate the final score by averaging the syntactic (readability measures) and semantic (artistic sophistication) scores of each rhyme. On a scale from 0 (illiterate) to 20 (post-graduate degree).

Kanye is at "some H.S." and his reading level is "Reader's Digest", based on the measurements for "Big Brother". This is some funny ish.

Go check it out here.