Yesterday, President Bush told the UNGA, "The United Nations must answer this challenge to conscience -and live up to its promise to promptly deploy peacekeeping forces to Darfur."
These are strong words. Now the president must follow through with equally strong actions to secure peace in Darfur.
Ask President Bush to lead the world in supporting the peacekeepers and ensuring that peace talks are successful. Click here now to send your message.
After years of frustrating delays, we may finally be at a crucial turning point for the people of Darfur. The U.N. has authorized a joint U.N.-A.U. peacekeeping mission, and renewed peace talks are scheduled for October. But the success of the peacekeepers and the peace talks hinges on the commitments of President Bush and other world leaders.
The United States must contribute its share of equipment and funding to support the peacekeeping mission and urge fellow world leaders to ensure that the peace talks are inclusive and effective.
The lives of millions hang in the balance -- President Bush must follow his strong words at the UNGA with strong actions. Click here now to tell him to uphold his commitment to securing peace in Darfur and to urge his fellow world leaders to do the same.
Then please ask your friends and family to join you in seizing this moment to help the people of Darfur.
Best regards,
Colleen Connors
Save Darfur Coalition